Halo sobat REP HALLO GUYS,WELKAMBEK LAGI YGY,perkenalkan nama saya kelvin siahaan asal saya dari rajeg,tapi sebelumnya saya ingin menggunakan bahasa gaul,cuman untuk kali ini saya menggunakan bhasa indonesia dengan baik dan benar,langsung aja ke intinya saja,ini adalah bio saya dan saya akan memberitahu tentang pribadi saya,tapi boong:v canda canda ini mah,btw saya ambil jurusan bisnis […]
There is absolutely no justification for an attack like this in our communities and we must all work together to bring those responsible to justice and to stop this from happening to another child.
There is absolutely no justification for an attack like this in our communities and we must all work together to bring those responsible to justice and to stop this from happening to another child.
There is absolutely no justification for an attack like this in our communities and we must all work together to bring those responsible to justice and to stop this from happening to another child.